Exploration Architecture Corporation (XArc) and Penguin Automated Systems Technology Inc, of Canada, collaborate to bring technology solutions for robot mapping and position resolution in subterranean environments. Through a technology licensing arrangement, XArc Corp and Penguin Systems US Inc., a subsidiary of Penguin Automated Systems Technology Inc, are developing a patented Robot Mapping System (RoboMap™) capable of accurately mapping tunnels and transferring this data into engineering CAD systems. Applications include security, civil construction, mining and public safety. Initial marketing efforts of the joint collaboration will focus on certain requirements of Department of Homeland Security for first responder applications. XArc’s collaboration with Penguin for subterranean mapping and positioning technology is a natural adjunct to XArc’s research and development activities in planetary habitation for space exploration. The operational scenarios, technologies, and human and robotic performance feats associated with planetary cave exploration are benefited by the RoboMap™ technology.
Astroport and Orbit Fab Join Forces for Lunar Exploration Breakthrough
MILAN, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Astroport Space Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of...